Imagine the following scenario after yet another round of successful unbiased hiring: As you walk around your company office, you see a diverse group of intelligent individuals, all working in little and large clusters, discussing topics amongst themselves. They look happy, are motivated and are clearly working hard.
Likely to be the reality of your own personal working environment, you probably already know that diversity within the workplace is not that difficult to achieve. However, if you are struggling with how to hire unbiasedly and ultimately gaining and retaining talent that ‘gets’ you as a company, we have some helpful advice to get you moving in the right direction. Whilst some may believe that you cannot hire entirely unbiasedly, we believe that by making intelligent decisions, your hiring strategy can certainly be unbiased and will help to move your business forward. It’s proven that unbiased organisations are 120% more likely to reach financial goals and generate 1.4x more revenue, so it really is within your best business interests to leverage the benefits of the unbiased hire.
We think that it’s worth beginning with the not-so-obvious convention of unconscious bias. As stated when we touched on this topic previously, we know that as humans, it is within our best intentions to want to remain unbiased. On the other hand, we’re also predisposed to seek familiarity and so a self-selection process inevitably occurs. Whilst near on impossible to remove, the impact of this bias can be removed via the use of technology. Take the hackajob platform as an example. Helping companies make hires based on skills, not CVs, our algorithm matches the right candidates with the right roles based on the quality of their code alone; ensuring that hires made via hackajob are anonymous, fair and unbiased.
With the idea of hiring the best talent in mind, as we stated previously, skills, not CVs, are the way forward. One hiring technique that used to be popular was folding over names on CVs so that recruiters and hiring managers would not be able to know whether a candidate was male or female. Sounds great right? In theory, yes but in practice… not so much. Remember that candidates still have to attend interviews in person and that’s where accidental bias can come into play. Removing a candidates’ name is a great first step, however other assurances must be in place so that the only the best candidates are hired and the use of AI can help you do this.
Another idea that we recommend is to do some further reading on the tie-breaker provision (if you are based in the UK). Introduced in 2010 by the UK equality act, the tie-breaker provision can help you to make unbiased hiring decisions. In short, if you have two candidates that you determine to be equal in terms of ability and skill, you have the right to choose the under-represented individual for the role. As an example, if you have a white candidate and a BAME candidate that you consider to be at the same level and you have an under-representation of BAME staff within your business, you may exercise your right to select the BAME candidate. It’s worth noting that you must have concrete, valid evidence to justify your decision and you must not assume anything based on someone’s appearance.
Setting a positive example within your workplace is the key to getting talent that will push you towards your business goals. Think about it this way. When hiring based on skillset alone, the very best, most innovative ideas are brought to the table. Ambition and drive run throughout your business, meaning that inventive new products and services can be created. With a savvy and skilful team at your fingertips, the only way is up for your business.
Ultimately, there’s more to hiring than just filling a role. At hackajob, we understand how crucial it is to employ the ‘right’ kind of people for your business, the ones who make an impact and have the skills to create positive change. It’s about finding the types of people who embrace their own individuality and shape their role to have a beneficial impact on your business. It’s time to hire the right talent for the right roles and get people onboard who truly ‘get’ you.
Whilst the above is just a few hints and tips to get you started, for more information regarding the intelligence behind the unbiased hire and to start moving your business in the right direction, we recommend taking a look at our employers' page.