Vodafone is one of the largest telecoms companies in the world, operating in 26 countries and in partnerships with networks in over 55 more.
Providing a vast range of services to both consumers and enterprise customers, Vodafone’s offerings include mobile, fixed and TV. An industry leader in IoT, Vodafone delivers cloud, security and carrier services to those on an enterprise level.
Building on 30 years of innovation, the brand’s strategy and award-winning customer service is key to its overall success. In fact, the group’s most recent offering: the ‘Digital Vodafone’ programme, is a sustainable business proposition that promises to both benefit society and drives revenue growth. “The future is exciting. Ready?”
For Vodafone, a strong pipeline of relevant candidates is key, particularly for their new division, ‘Digital Vodafone’. Needing help to find senior applicants able to work with their new tech stack, Vodafone faced low levels of engagement from candidates and struggled with relevancy from those that were.
With other recruitment platforms unable to provide suitable, relevant candidates, Vodafone had to find a solution to hiring talented candidates to fill the hiring pipeline for their new digital brand.
With only a small in-house recruitment team and hiring for a variety of different roles in various different markets, Vodafone needed to be able to quickly identify which candidates were most relevant for the roles they were hiring for, as well as improve their overall perception as a digital brand.
The team at Vodafone needed to build a comprehensive pipeline at scale, meaning that cost-per hire was an important factor. hackajob not only worked out to be significantly cheaper compared to agency costs, but also minimised the amount of candidate wastage.
Utilising hackajob’s AI, only the most relevant candidates were put forward for interviews. Seeing candidates with the relevant skills and experience for their advertised roles empowered the team at Vodafone to be able to control the kind of candidates they wanted to see.