Interview with top companies, with no one in the middle, and transparent salary information. Create your free profile, let companies apply to you and discover job opportunities in Software Engineering, UX/UI, DevOps, Data Science and more.
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Upload your CV and set preferences—like job type, salary, and hybrid working—to auto-create a profile in under 3 minutes that highlights your technical skills and experience.
Our smart matching system connects you with top opportunities that fit your skills and preferences, with companies reaching out directly with interview requests.
Choose which interview requests to accept. Easily manage interviews in one place with auto-scheduling, to streamline your journey to getting hired.
From Software Engineering, DevOps and Data Science to Product Management and Design, we cover all tech roles.
“Between joining and getting my interview on hackajob, was probably only a couple of weeks. In comparison to using other sites, it was much easier. It’s a game changer”
“Rather than the candidate chasing the company, they come to you. I had a lot of requests. I was really please by the amount of companies that reached out to me.”
“The big difference is that the employers are reaching out to you. I was a junior web developer from another country so getting a job offer from the BBC was fantastic”
“Looking for a new role is normally a time consuming process and can be frustrating. With hackajob, I just set up my profile and wait for the requests to roll in.”
We connect you with opportunities that align with your skills and aspirations. Simplifying the job search so you can focus on what you do best.
We partner with 200+ innovative tech employers spanning 50+ industries, from digital streaming and retail to aerospace and financial services.
Companies who are actively hiring reach out directly, after they match with you on hackajob. Manage all of your processes in one place, once you confirm an interview.
Our intelligent system understands the connections between technical skills, matching you with jobs based on your complete experience. Helping great companies discover you, who might not have through other channels.
Get tailored advice and support from our Talent Success Managers—because your success is our priority.
See salary, benefits, and other job details upfront with every interview request. So you have all the information you need to decide if you want to proceed.
Book time with companies in one click, or suggest times that they can accept for easy confirmation. Stay updated on your interview status and see actions needed, all in one intuitive dashboard.
Incredible premise, taking the onus off of applicants to spend hours applying to different job applications. Super intuitive and easy to use, and great staff who regularly check in.
I was matched with a role I hadn’t seen or considered, and have actually just been offered the job so am very happy and can’t wait to start!
Really positive experience for me personally whilst looking to find a new software job. You post your expectations and sit back whilst recruiters come to you.
Feels more relaxed than LinkedIn. You are approached for job roles, rather than having to spend your days searching and chasing.
I recently had the pleasure of working with hackajob and I must say, their platform exceeded all my expectations. The team at hackajob connected me with an incredible opportunity at a top multinational company.
Yes! You can join and explore opportunities with top employers at no cost, always.
With hackajob, you create a profile and get matched to highly relevant roles that fit your skills and preferences. Employers reach out to you directly with interview requests which you can always accept or decline.
No, your profile is hidden from your current employer to keep your job search private. Plus, you can block additional companies from viewing your profile.
With direct interview requests and transparent hiring info, hackajob reduces time spent on applications while maximizing relevant opportunities.
Yes! With each interview request, employers share upfront salary details and job descriptions, so you can always make informed decisions.
Yes! When you’re not actively job-hunting, you can set your profile to “off the market,” making it invisible to employers. Your profile stays saved, so when you're ready, just switch it back on and start exploring new opportunities with ease.