Market insights to shape your recruitment strategy

Get tailored reports with meaningful performance and market insights that help you understand the effectiveness of your recruitment processes.

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Assess and compare comprehensive pipeline data

We break down your interview funnel across jobs, locations, tech disciplines, and more, allowing you to identify bottlenecks and take action to speed up tech hiring. With peer comparisons, you can find out where and why you’re losing talent in comparison to your competitors, including insight into interview decline reasons and time to hire.

Uncover wider marketplace metrics that matter

We leverage rich platform data gathered from hundreds of enterprise employers and over 500,000 candidates to offer a unique perspective on the tech hiring market. Whether you're interested in the number of tech candidates in a specific region or the ratio of onsite to hybrid job opportunities, we build tailored reports that meet specific needs.

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Benchmark your salary offering against the industry

Learn how much tech talent is being paid across specific industries, and break down salaries across seniority and job discipline. Leverage benchmarking data, including candidates’ average salary expectations for different skill sets to gain buy-in with stakeholders in your organization.

Start your free 30-day trial today

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Build your tech EVP and showcase your company, people and roles to a tailored, engaged audience. Increase awareness and introduce candidates to your tech stack. 


Our comprehensive DE&I solution provides you with the data, insights, and tools to remove unconscious bias and improve your attractiveness to diverse talent.



Source quality tech candidates, including Software Developers, DevOps Engineers, Data Scientists, and more, from a highly engaged talent pool. All hackajob candidates are pre-screened and ready to interview.