Data Science Oxford

A community of analysts, scientists and technologists who work with data, Data Science Oxford discuss the methods, tools and technologies needed to look at Big Data in the right way. Famed for their practical talks to showcase data science applications, this meet-up is for those passionate about all-things data.

Agile Valley

An open community that brings together tech enthusiasts across all levels, Agile Valley provides a platform to broaden your professional network. Giving attendees the opportunity to debate and share different practices, Agile Valley offers an inclusive, open setting.

Social Tech Group

Meeting every month to discuss new tech and media, the Social Tech Group speak about everything from developing successful teams to Big Data and Cyber Security.


Want to learn more about JavaScript? Be sure to visit the folks at JSOxford. With monthly events designed to inspire like-minded people, the team is known to break ranks and do combined meet-ups with the Python and Ruby crews.

Want to scale your tech hiring? Get in touch. We’d love to help.

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