The big problems of our time? Solved by code. Ever seen a SpaceX rocket come back from orbit and reverse land right on a cross with millimeter precision? You guessed it. Code.
But it doesn’t have to be rocket science. It’s also the smaller yet equally important things that are made better by code. Two people meeting for the first time, love on the mind. Code. A new website that propels that little garage band start-up to a global e-commerce business.
Code. Sending a present at 2 hours’ notice, from the other side of the world, when you forgot a birthday you really shouldn’t have forgotten. Code.
There is a lot that can be made better by code but ultimately, it’s the people behind the code that will do that.
No more being ghosted by a company. No more nail biting for weeks waiting for a phone call from the recruiter. No more bullshit.
Just clear, simple, honest and unbiased hiring. Using code to its full potential. With people behind it as passionate about the impact technology can make as you are.