Ever wondered what life would look like if you had the fulfilling career you’ve always wanted? We sat down with Tanya, a Senior Java Developer at Version 1 to get the inside scoop on how she made a career change that skyrocketed her personal and professional growth. Read on to discover what she gets up to on the daily and her sage advice for women in tech.

Tanya’s first experience with representation in tech came from her older sister, and she wanted to follow in her footsteps. She joined Version 1 when she decided it was time to move on from where she used to work. Let’s see how Version 1 helped her to level up as a Java Developer!
What is one thing about working at Version 1 that you wish more people knew about?
The culture at Version 1 is very friendly and supportive. No matter how tough the project, your team and team lead will have your back. In fact, making friends is easy here, and even if your colleagues move on to other projects, you can still keep in touch. Plus, any issues that come up are addressed in a constructive way. This is the kind of culture that sets Version One apart from the rest.
How do you impact customers with the work that you do? Is there a particular tech stack you use?
When it comes to the tech stack, you have to consider the project and the customer. For instance, my project uses Java 17, Spring Boot, Camunda, Node.js, while my former teammate works with Spring Boot, Java 17, and Kafka Streams on their project. As developers, we do the coding and we have our delivery manager to handle customer. That being said, we still have variety and sometimes present demos and chat with our clients. At Version 1, we aim to deliver high quality working solutions whilst taking into account the client’s needs.
How have you been able to upskill at Version 1?
I have learned some technologies that I have not used before. Such as Node.js and typescript.
Version 1 is supportive of me in getting certified in Azure cloud since that's what I'm working with. If I will take on certifications, Version 1 would pay for them. I have been persuaded to be a line manager overseeing two individuals. I also actively contribute to the Java community by writing blogs and helping others do the same.
What is the culture like and what are some of the perks and benefits of working for Version 1?
Version 1 has this amazing system called 'callouts' where you can give someone a shout-out for doing something incredible, and they'll get rewarded with points. And if you rack up enough points, you can buy products with them such as an iPad. We also have team and individual prizes of the year. But it's not just about the points, it's about feeling appreciated by your team and colleagues and I really love that.
As a woman in tech, how does Version 1 support you?
We've got not one, but multiple women in tech groups for both the office and the general community. We're all about promoting women's careers and supporting each other in the process. Our community covers all the major programming languages including Java, Python, and C sharp, and if you want to attend a conference, Version 1 covers the expenses, it really feels like they’re invested in your growth.
We have amazing support for women in tech. Our mentality is all about respecting each other's opinions and learning from one another – disagreements are welcome here because we know that's how we grow. As for tips, I may not be the strongest female role model out there, but I'm always striving to learn all that I can and improve.
And that's it!
If you’d like to join the team Verson 1, then create a profile on the hackajob platform, where they’re currently hiring for a variety of roles or log in to your profile here. You can also keep updated with Version 1 on LinkedIn and Version 1 Jobs.
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