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How This Sainsbury's Webinar Could Help You Find Your Next Job

Apr 14, 2021
hackajob Staff

We've gathered four of the insights that we learnt from our event with Sainsbury's – "From Depot to Doorstep: The Technology Behind A Retail Giant" – that could help you land your next role. As always, if you'd like a refresher on the team, what they do, and what they're looking for then you can watch the full webinar here. Let's get started!

1. Your journey may not look like the next person's – and that's okay

Often a piece of advice given to those looking to move up in their career is to look at the CEO or CTO or CFO of a company, track their journey and follow that. However, we learnt in this webinar that you don't necessarily have to do that. For example, one member of the team shared his journey of becoming a Senior Cloud Engineer. From C Developer in university to a Support Engineer for Eucalyptus to an AWS Consultant for HPE to a Senior Cloud Engineer in Fintech.

“There are so many different things you’ll be able to do during your life that will get you to the next thing. You never know which opportunities will be coming next.”

It is never too late to start learning and developing new tools, and ideas. Maybe you're just getting into coding or you're making a switch from what you're used to – as you can see, that's completely fine.

2. hackajob can help you get your job

We’re not tooting our own horn, we promise! This take is from John Mille, who said “hackajob is probably the best experience I had”.

"From a very dedicated team following up with you to give you the best shot at impressing in interviews to fun challenges that allow you to evaluate yourselves."

If you're looking to grab yourself a job you enjoy and where you're valued, sign up to our platform where companies reach out to you. We support you every step of the way, it takes just 5 minutes to sign up and if that's not enough – it's free. Sign up here.

3. Brexit has impacted work from architectural perspective - but it’s not all doom and gloom

Yes we've been in a pandemic, but Brexit still plagues a lot of our minds with regards to how it will affect the job market. The team at Sainsbury's were asked if Brexit had changed anything for them They concluded that yes, Brexit was a great challenge and was driven by time scale, but they also shared how they managed to work together.

"Ground work already done made it easier. They had to ramp up the team, add two more services to their current architecture and build upon what they had planned."

So it seems that multiple teams working together really made the difference.

4. Onboarding at Sainsbury's Tech is simple and friendly

Everyone loves receiving a job offer, but then anxiety around "first day nerves" can come up. So what is it like on-boarding during a pandemic and away from everyone? According to the Sainsbury's team, it's actually quite simple and there's nothing to worry about.

"There's an introduction to the team, and you'll also be involved in weekly sprints to understand the process and technology the team uses. And there's also a mentor who guides you through the process."

These are just a few of the gems we took away from the event, but there were so many more so don't forget to watch it back here. Like what you've read or want more like this? Let us know! Email us here or DM us: Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, we'd love to hear from you.